
No ransom: A place for free decryption

Although a ransomware attack may seem targeted, you’re not the only one who’s been infected. Ransomware is spreading at an alarming rate, and the further it goes, the more resources are allocated to fighting it. If your data is held hostage, refer to this list of free decryptors you can use. The state of ransomware […]

4 Common misconceptions about virtualization

Small businesses can accomplish a lot by implementing virtualization in their office IT network. Unfortunately, many SMBs shy away from it because of various misconceptions. Here are four myths about virtualization you should stop believing. Myth #1 – Virtualization is too expensive for SMBs Many people assume that the more advanced an IT solution is, […]

How to keep your data safe and secure

Data security and privacy should be every small business owner’s top priority in this day when cybercriminals are on the loose. The good news is you don’t have to be a tech genius to make it happen. Here are practical ways to shield your company from cyberattacks.  Cover your webcam If Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, […]

Tweak your mindset to achieve success on the cloud

The cloud is not like some magic beans that’ll sprout sky-high stalks overnight and lead you to a castle full of riches. Don’t be misled by shiny words such as “increased productivity” and “collaboration” — your organization won’t realize these benefits unless everyone actually puts in the work to make the cloud work. If you want to use the cloud successfully, you might have to change your mind about a thing or two before you migrate to the cloud.

Smartphone browsers now support biometrics

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Lite support web-based biometric authentication. The leading mobile browsers now allow users to sign in to online profiles through fingerprint scanners, facial recognition, and the like. What’s more, online biometric authentication through these browsers requires no additional software. Authenticate your profile on your mobile device Chrome OS, Windows, MacOS, Linux, […]

Why dashboards are vital to your business

People are visual creatures, which means we interpret visual data better than written words. That’s why most businesses turn to dashboards as a business intelligence tool to present data in a way that’s easy to understand. Dashboards have become a critical part of the analytics process. Here are some common uses of dashboards across various […]

Keeping Facebook and Twitter safe from hackers

Keep your guard up! Pranksters, malicious attackers, and hackers come in different forms, but they are all after your online privacy and security — especially on social media. There are several things you can do to protect your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Lock screens exist for a reason Lock all your computing devices as soon […]

A buyer’s guide to business projectors

A typical projector bulb lasts 2,000 hours (and newer ones, like LED lamps, can go up to 20,000 hours). But there are other factors that affect a projector’s lifetime before it needs replacement. If you’re unsure about what to look for in your next projector purchase, this list will help you choose the best product. […]

Is your Office 365 environment secure?

Microsoft’s Office 365 is one of the most powerful business productivity tools today. This cloud-hosted suite lets users work anywhere and collaborate easily. Although it’s undoubtedly useful, Office 365 may present a few security challenges that businesses must address. Vulnerabilities in SharePoint Businesses typically use SharePoint Online and on-premises SharePoint sites to store sensitive data […]