
Update your passwords now

If you’re like most people, you probably have passwords that are easy to remember or use the same one for multiple accounts. But by doing either of these, you could be putting yourself at risk to cyberattacks. To ensure the security of your online accounts, follow the latest password guidelines from the National Institute of […]

Streamline your schedule with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is chock-full of features that can help businesses stay organized and connected. One of these is the ability to share calendars with co-workers. In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps in sharing calendars using Microsoft 365. What is Outlook? Outlook is a personal information manager from Microsoft, available as […]

Avoid these 5 common IT investment mistakes

Investing in new technology is a great way to drive business growth. For instance, purchasing new servers can boost your employees’ ability to multitask and their productivity, while subscribing to a project management solution can help everyone meet their deadlines. However, you can only enjoy these business benefits if you avoid the following mistakes when […]

7 Ways to keep your email account safe

Email is one of the most essential business tools today. It enables swift, efficient communication within a company and with their customers and partners. Email’s popularity among businesses is what makes it a target for hackers looking to get ahold of critical business and client information. It’s therefore crucial to safeguard your email account, and […]